General Insurance

An Insurance Agent’s Guide to Thanksgiving

An Insurance Agent’s Guide to Thanksgiving

It’s likely your Thanksgiving traditions are well underway as you finalize your travel plans, begin tackling your shopping list, pull out decorations, and extend the guest list last minute. Unfortunately, not everyone’s festivities will go without disaster, but there are ways you can prepare for what could go wrong. Here are three incidents you’ll want to avoid:

Protect Your Property from 3 Halloween Haunts

Protect Your Property from 3 Halloween Haunts

We spend so much time perfecting our costumes and piling up the candy bowl in preparation for Halloween that we often overlook the hazards that come with it. With 41 million kids estimated to go trick-or-treating this year, it’s going to be a busy night. Here are three common occurrences you’ll want to make sure you’re protected from ahead of time:

Hey, New Yorkers: Pay Attention to These 3 Kinds of Insurance

Hey, New Yorkers: Pay Attention to These 3 Kinds of Insurance

There are a lot of aspects of insurance that New Yorkers, and those in the entire Tri-State area, commonly overlook when it comes to protecting their homes and businesses. It’s worth taking a deeper look into your policy to confirm you’re covered for specific risks if you fall into any of these categories:

Which type of insurance agent can you trust more?

When purchasing insurance, or any service for that matter, it’s important to understand who you’re dealing with and where their primary responsibilities reside. The same applies when establishing a (hopefully) long-term relationship with an insurance professional you’re entrusting to help protect you and your family against life’s risks. So, who can you trust?