insurance agent

5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance

5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance

It’s likely you’ve told yourself you need life insurance every time you see it advertised. Then you begin to research it, and the act of actually getting it seems like a pain (plus, who wants to think about death). Or, maybe you have a small amount of life insurance through your work benefits. You suspect it’s not a great deal nor enough coverage, but haven’t taken the time to look into it. I’m here to tell you: Stop putting it off!

Hey, New Yorkers: Pay Attention to These 3 Kinds of Insurance

Hey, New Yorkers: Pay Attention to These 3 Kinds of Insurance

There are a lot of aspects of insurance that New Yorkers, and those in the entire Tri-State area, commonly overlook when it comes to protecting their homes and businesses. It’s worth taking a deeper look into your policy to confirm you’re covered for specific risks if you fall into any of these categories:

Which type of insurance agent can you trust more?

When purchasing insurance, or any service for that matter, it’s important to understand who you’re dealing with and where their primary responsibilities reside. The same applies when establishing a (hopefully) long-term relationship with an insurance professional you’re entrusting to help protect you and your family against life’s risks. So, who can you trust?